CSS Tools
CSS Strategies
CSS Pre and Post Processsors
Clay is a CSS preprocessor like LESS and Sass, but implemented as an embedded domain specific language (EDSL) in Haskell
A CSS preprocessor for node.js, designed to conform to the most recent www-style proposals.
npmjs.org | GitHub
CSSOM (CSS Object Model)
W3C Docs
cssom: npmjs.org | GitHub — CSS Object Model implemented in pure JavaScript. It’s also a parser!
npmjs.org | GitHub — Build, concat, and minify LESS and CSS
PostCSS !!!!!
Myth CSS Postprocessor !!!
Node based CSS Postprocessor
Website | GitHub | npmjs.org
npm install -g myth
# pass an input and output file
$ myth input.css output.css
# watch for changes
$ myth --watch input.css output.css
# stdin and stdout
$ cat input.css | myth | grep background-color
Out Of Bounds CSS Preprocessor
SASS (Syntatically Awesome Style Sheets)
SASS Tools
CSS @import
Inliners and Minifiers
npmjs.org | GitHub — A well-tested CSS concatinator and minifier
npmjs.org | GitHub — Recursive @import
inlining tool
Uses ycssmin to optionally optimize CSS files
GitHub — CSS Minification based on YUICompressor
CSS @import
- css-combine: npmjs.org | GitHub — A utility that combines CSS files by resolving their
directives. Only works on the first file.
- cssjoin: npmjs.org | GitHub — Recursive(?)
inlining tool
- rework-import: v0.0.3 npmjs.org | GitHub — Inline
statements. No docs. 10 commits since Aug. 5th 2013
- rework-importer: v0.2.0 npmjs.org | GitHub — Inline
statements and importer specific file blocks. 16 commits since Dec. 8th 2013
- rework-inline: v0.1.1 npmjs.org | GitHub — Inline stylesheets using
. 9 commits since Sep. 11th 2013
CSS Sprite Utils
Glue is a simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites
GitHub | Glue Docs
Converts directories of PNG images to sprites and generates the appropriate CSS files to use the sprites.
Compress pngs and generate css sprites
npmjs.org | GitHub
Convert asset directory to css with data-uris
npmjs.org | GitHub
CSS Beautifiers
CSS Utilities
NodeJS npm css
- AbsurdJS: npmjs.org | Website | GitHub — Javascript based preprocessor
- cssutil: npmjs.org | GitHub — Compile LESS, Concatenate CSS files, Minify css via
- Async.js: npmjs.org | GitHub — A utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript
- grunt-css: npmjs.org | GitHub [deprecated] — Grunt plugin for linting and minifying CSS
- detectCSS: npmjs.org | GitHub — A simple alternative to modernizr
- bless: npmjs.org | Website — CSS Post-Processor to slit CSS files with too many selectors for IE 6 - 9
- boy: npmjs.org — A lightweight, modern, HTML5 Boilerplate fork with conditionally loaded polyfills for amazing browser support back to IE7
- css-bundler: npmjs.org | GitHub — Bundle CSS and assets into a single folder for distributing
- css-condense: npmjs.org | GitHub — Compresses CSS, and isn’t conservative about it.
- css-eliminator: npmjs.org | GitHub — Remove unused CSS rules
- rework: npmjs.org search | GitHub - Arbitrary CSS preprocessing library for node.js and the browser
- autoprefixer: npmjs.org | GitHub
- css-queryless: npmjs.org — Media queried CSS to non-media-queried CSS
- rework-pure-css: npmjs.org | GitHub —
- rework-imagesize: npmjs.org | GitHub — Read an image’s size and put that size in your CSS
- rework-import: v0.0.3 npmjs.org | GitHub — Inline
statements. No docs. 10 commits since Aug. 5th 2013
- rework-importer: v0.2.0 npmjs.org | GitHub — Inline
statements and importer specific file blocks. 16 commits since Dec. 8th 2013
- rework-inline: v0.1.1 npmjs.org | GitHub — Inline stylesheets using
. 9 commits since Sep. 11th 2013
- rework-macro: npmjs.org — Macro CSS transform for rework
- rework-mixins: npmjs.org — Rework CSS mixins
- CSSmacros: Website | GitHub — JavaScript based @macro system for CSS
- Having fun with CSS3 and GCC
- csslint: npmjs.org | GitHub — This is a CSS linter created for the Carnegie Mellon University course ‘15-237: Developing Cross Platform Web Applications’