HTML5 Media

Browser Support

Audio Element

Android BB Chrome Chrome FA FF FF FA IE IE Mobile iOS Opera Opera Mini Opera Mobile
2.3 7.0 3.0 4.0 3.5 all 9 10 4.0 10.5 none 11.0

Video Element

Android Chrome Chrome FA FF FF FA IE IE Mobile iOS Opera Opera Mini Opera Mobile
2.0 3.0 4.0 3.5 all 9 10 1.0 10.5 ? ?

Audio Formats

Container Codec Extension Chrome FF IE Opera Safari Notes
MPEG MPEG-1 AL 2 MP2 none none none none ? MPEG-1 Audio Layer 2. Safari supports whatever QuickTime supports.
MPEG MPEG-1 AL 3 MP3 all 24/26/21 9 14 3.1 MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3. For FF this is Linux/Mac/Win
MPEG-2 MPEG-2 AL 2 M2A/MP2 ? ? ? ? ? MPEG-2 Audio Layer 2
MPEG-4 AAC AAC/M4A 3 24/21 9 3.1 Safari supports whatever QuickTime supports. For FF this is Linux/Win
Ogg Opus OPUS 26 15 none none 6.1? audio/ogg; codec=’opus’
Ogg Vorbis OGA 9 3.5 none 10.5 all
WebM Vorbis WEBA 6 15 9* 10.60 none IE Requires WebM Media Foundation Components

Mobile Support

Container Codec Extension Android FF FA IE Mobile iOS Opera Mini Opera Mobile Notes
MPEG MPEG-1 AL 3 MP3 ? ? ? ? 5 MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
MPEG-4 AAC AAC/M4A 2.0 ? 10? 3.0 ? all Safari supports whatever QuickTime supports
Ogg Opus OPUS none 24.0 none 7.0? none none
Ogg Vorbis OGA all? all N/A N/A 10.5 all
WebM VP8 WEBM 2.3 4 9* 10.60 ? ?
WebM VP9 WEBM ? 4 9* 10.60 ? ?

Video Formats

Container Codec Extension Chrome FF IE Opera Safari Notes
MPEG-2 MPEG-2 m2v
MPEG-4 H.264 MP4/M4V 9
MKV H.264 MKV MPEG-4 part 10, MPEG-4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding)
Ogg Theora OGV 4 3.5 10.5 Based on the VP3 Codec
WebM VP8 WEBM 6 4 9* 10.60 IE Requires WebM Media Foundation Components


Container Codec Extension Chrome FF IE Opera Safari Notes
Flash 6 MP3/ADPCM/Nellymoser SWF P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 7 MP3/ADPCM/Nellymoser FLV/SWF P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 9 AAC/MP3 F4V P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 9 AAC/MP3/ADPCM/Nellymoser FLV/ISO/SWF P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 10 AAC/MP3/ADPCM/Nellymoser/Speex FLV/ISO/SWF P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 6 Sorenson Spark SWF P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 7 Sorenson Spark FLV/SWF P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 8 On2 VP6 FLV/SWF P P P P P Plugin only solution
Flash 9 H.264 F4V P P P P P AAC/MP3 Audio. Plugin only solution
Flash 9 H.264/Spark/VP6 FLV/ISO/SWF P P P P P AAC/MP3/ADPCM/Nellymoser Audio. Plugin only solution
Flash 10 H.264/Spark/VP6 FLV/ISO/SWF P P P P P AAC/MP3/ADPCM/Nellymoser/Speex Audio. Plugin only solution
MPEG-4 Part 12

Encoding WebM Video with FFMPEG

ffmpeg -pass 1 -passlogfile SOURCE -threads 16  -keyint_min 0 -g 250 -skip_threshold 0 -qmin 1 -qmax 51 -i SOURCE -vcodec libvpx -b 614400 -s 320x240 -aspect 4:3 -an -y NUL
ffmpeg -pass 2 -passlogfile SOURCE -threads 16  -keyint_min 0 -g 250 -skip_threshold 0 -qmin 1 -qmax 51 -i SOURCE -vcodec libvpx -b 614400 -s 320x240 -aspect 4:3 -acodec libvorbis -y SOURCE.webm

Media Notes

XiphQT QuickTime Component

Audio: FLAC, Speex, Vorbis
Video: Theora

Media Steaming

HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)


Extension MIME-Type / Content-Type Encoding Notes
.flv video/x-flv VP8 Flash video fallback for older Flash Players prior to 9.x
.m3u8 application/ UTF-8 iOS HLS Playlist
.m3u audio/mpegurl US-ASCII Generic HLS Playlist
.mpg video/mpeg MPEG-1 DVD video standard 352×240 @ 29.97fps
.mp2 video/mpeg MPEG-2 DVD video standard 720×480 @ 29.97fps
.mp4 video/mp4 MPEG-4 Blu-ray and H.264 video standard
.ogg video/ogg ? OpenSource Ogg-Theora video standard
.webm video/webm WebM Google / OpenSource video standard
AddType video/x-flv         .flv            # Flash video
AddType video/x-matroska    .mks            # Matroska subtitles
AddType video/x-matroska    .mkv            # Matroska video
AddType video/quicktime     .mov            # QuickTime video
AddType video/mpeg          .mpg            # MPEG video
AddType video/mpeg          .mp2            # MPEG-2 video
AddType video/mp4           .mp4            # MPEG-4 video
AddType video/webm          .webm           # WebM video
AddType video/x-ms-wmv      .wmv            # Microsoft Windows Media Video

Audio Player

Player Lists

Media Players

Unless specified all options have a Flash fallback.

Commercial Offerings