HTML Entities

Taxonomic Lexicon

Character Encodings


Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
´ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; ´ Acute Accent
' U+0027 \u0027 ' ' ' Apostrophe. Named version for XML/XHTML and HTML5+ only.
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; ′ Prime (single)
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; ’ Single Quote (right)

XML Control Characters

Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
" U+0022 \u0022 " " " quote
& U+0026 \u0026 & & & Ampersand
' U+0027 \u0027 ' ' ' apostrophe
< U+003C \u003C &#x003C; &#60; &lt; less than
> U+003E \u003E &#x003E; &#62; &gt; greater than

Whitespace Entities

Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
| | U+000A \u000A &#x000A; &#10; &NewLine; newline LINE FEED (LF)
| | U+2009 \u2009 &#x2009; &#8201; &thinsp; &ThinSpace; thin space THIN SPACE
| | U+200A \u200A &#x200A; &#8202; &hairsp; &VeryThinSpace; hair space HAIR SPACE
|​| U+200B \u200B &#x200B; &#8203; &ZeroWidthSpace; /
&NegativeVeryThinSpace; /
&NegativeThinSpace; /
&NegativeMediumSpace; /
zero width space ZERO WIDTH SPACE
| | U+0020 \u0020 &#x0020; &#32; &____; space
| | U+205F \u205F &#x205F; &#8287; &MediumSpace; medium mathematical space MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
| | U+2002 \u2002 &#x2002; &#8194; &ensp; en space EN SPACE
| | U+2003 \u2003 &#x2003; &#8195; &emsp; em space EM SPACE
| | U+2004 \u2004 &#x2004; &#8196; &emsp13; three-per-em space THREE-PER-EM SPACE
| | U+2005 \u2005 &#x2005; &#8197; &emsp14; four-per-em space FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
| | U+2007 \u2007 &#x2007; &#8199; &numsp; figure space FIGURE SPACE
| | U+2008 \u2008 &#x2008; &#8200; &puncsp; punctuation space PUNCTUATION SPACE
| | U+00A0 \u00A0 &#x00A0; &#160; &nbsp; &NonBreakingSpace; non-breaking space NON-BREAKING SPACE
|‌| U+200C \u200C &#x200C; &#8204; &zwnj; zero width non-joiner ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER
|‍| U+200D \u200D &#x200D; &#8205; &zwj; zero width joiner ZERO WIDTH JOINER
|⁠| U+2060 \u2060 &#x2060; &#8288; &NoBreak; word joiner WORD JOINER
| | U+0009 \u0009 &#x0009; &#9; &Tab; horizontal tab CHARACTER TABULATION

General Punctuation

Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &lrm; left-to-right mark LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &rlm; right-to-left mark RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK
U+002D \u002D &#x002D; &#45; &hyphen; hyphen / minus
' U+0027 \u0027 &#x0027; &#39; &apos; apostrophe, single quote APOSTROPHE
" U+0022 \u0022 &#x0022; &#34; &quot; &QUOT; double quote, ditto mark QUOTATION MARK
U+2018 \u2018 &#x2018; &#8216; &lsquo; &OpenCurlyQuote; left single quotation mark
U+2019 \u2019 &#x2019; &#8217; &rsquo; &rsquor; &CloseCurlyQuote; right single quotation mark
U+201A \u201A &#x201A; &#8218; &lsquor; &sbquo; single low-9 quotation mark SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
U+201C \u201C &#x201C; &#8220; &ldquo; &OpenCurlyDoubleQuote; left double quotation mark LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
U+201D \u201D &#x201D; &#8221; &rdquo; &rdquor; &CloseCurlyDoubleQuote; right double quotation mark RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
U+201E \u201E &#x201E; &#8222; &ldquor; &bdquo; double low-9 quotation mark DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
U+2020 \u2020 &#x2020; &#8224; &dagger; dagger DAGGER
U+2021 \u2021 &#x2021; &#8225; &Dagger; double dagger DOUBLE DAGGER
! U+0021 \u0021 &#x0021; &#33; &excl; exclamation point EXCLAMATION MARK
& U+0026 \u0026 &#x0026; &#38; &amp; &AMP; ampersand AMPERSAND
* U+002A \u002A &#x002A; &#42; &ast; &midast; asterisk ASTERISK
, U+002C \u002C &#x002C; &#44; &comma; comma
. U+002E \u002E &#x002E; &#46; &period; period
/ U+002F \u002F &#x002F; &#47; &sol; slash SOLIDUS
: U+003A \u003A &#x003A; &#58; &colon; colon COLON
; U+003B \u003B &#x003B; &#59; &semi; semicolon SEMICOLON
< U+003C \u003C &#x003C; &#60; &lt; &LT; less than LESS-THAN SIGN
= U+003D \u003D &#x003D; &#61; &equals; equals EQUALS SIGN
> U+003E \u003E &#x003E; &#62; &gt; &GT; greater than GREATER-THAN SIGN
? U+003F \u003F &#x003F; &#63; &quest; question mark QUESTION MARK
@ U+0040 \u0040 &#x0040; &#64; &commat; at sign COMMERCIAL AT
\ U+005C \u005C &#x005C; &#92; &bsol; back slash REVERSE SOLIDUS
¡ U+00A1 \u00A1 &#x00A1; &#161; &excl; inverted exclamation point INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
U+3033 \u3033 &#x3033; &#12291; &____; ditto mark (CJK) DITTO MARK
_ U+005F \u005F &#x005F; &#95; &lowbar; underscore LOW LINE
U+203E \u203E &#x203E; &#8254; &oline; overline, overscore, or overbar OVERLINE
U+2041 \u2041 &#x2041; &#8257; &caret; caret CARET INSERTION POINT
U+204F \u204F &#x204F; &#8271; &bsemi; reversed semicolon REVERSED SEMICOLON
U+2044 \u2044 &#x2044; &#8260; &frasl; fraction slash FRACTION SLASH

Bullets & Dots

Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
U+2010 \u2010 &#x2010; &#8208; &dash; &hyphen; dash / hyphen HYPHEN
U+2013 \u2013 &#x2013; &#8211; &ndash; en dash EN DASH
U+2014 \u2014 &#x2014; &#8212; &mdash; em dash EM DASH
U+2022 \u2022 &#x2022; &#8226; &bull; &bullet; bullet, black small disk BULLET
U+22C5 \u22C5 &#x22C5; &#8901; &sdot; small dot DOT OPERATOR
U+2043 \u2043 &#x2043; &#8259; &hybull; hyphen bullet HYPHEN BULLET
U+2025 \u2025 &#x2025; &#8229; &nldr; two dot leader, en leader TWO DOT LEADER
U+2026 \u2026 &#x2026; &#8230; &hellip; &mldr; horizontal ellipsis, three dot leader, em leader HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
U+22EE \u22EE &#x22EE; &#8942; &vellip; vertical ellipsis, three dot vertical VERTICAL ELLIPSIS
U+20DB \u20DB &#x20DB; &#8411; &tdot; &TripleDot; COMBINING THREE DOTS ABOVE
U+20DC \u20DC &#x20DC; &#8412; &DotDot; COMBINING FOUR DOTS ABOVE

Number Punctuation

Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
# U+0023 \u0023 &#x0023; &#35; &num; number, hash, pound NUMBER SIGN
% U+0025 \u0025 &#x0025; &#37; &percnt; percentage PERCENT SIGN
U+2032 \u2032 &#x2032; &#8242; &prime; prime, minutes, feet PRIME
U+2033 \u2033 &#x2033; &#8243; &Prime; double prime, seconds, inches, English ditto DOUBLE PRIME
U+2034 \u2034 &#x2034; &#8244; &tprime; triple prime TRIPLE PRIME
U+2057 \u2057 &#x2057; &#8279; &qprime; quadrupal prime QUADRUPAL PRIME
U+2035 \u2035 &#x2035; &#8245; &bprime; &backprime; back prime, reversed prime REVERSED PRIME


Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
+ U+002B \u002B &#x002B; &#43; &plus; Addition operator PLUS SIGN
U+2212 \u2212 &#x2212; &#8722; &minus; Subtraction operator MINUS SIGN
× U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#____; &times; Multiplication operator
÷ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#____; &divide; Division operator
½ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#____; &frac12; Fraction 1/2
U+2153 \u2153 &#x2153; &#8531; &frac13; Fraction 1/3 VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD
U+2154 \u2154 &#x2154; &#8532; &frac23; Fraction 2/3 VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS
¼ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#____; &frac14; Fraction 1/4 VULGAR FRACTION ONE FORTH
U+2155 \u2155 &#x2155; &#8533; &frac15; Fraction 1/5 VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH
U+2156 \u2156 &#x2156; &#8534; &frac25; Fraction 2/5 VULGAR FRACTION TWO FIFTHS
U+2157 \u2157 &#x2157; &#8535; &frac35; Fraction 3/5 VULGAR FRACTION THREE FIFTHS
U+2158 \u2158 &#x2158; &#8536; &frac45; Fraction 4/5 VULGAR FRACTION FOUR FIFTHS
U+2159 \u2159 &#x2159; &#8537; &frac16; Fraction 1/6 VULGAR FRACTION ONE SIXTH
U+215A \u215A &#x215A; &#8538; &frac56; Fraction 5/6 VULGAR FRACTION FIVE SIXTHS
U+215B \u215B &#x215B; &#8539; &frac18; Fraction 1/8 VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHT
U+215C \u215C &#x215C; &#8540; &frac38; Fraction 3/8 VULGAR FRACTION THREE EIGHTS
U+215D \u215D &#x215D; &#8541; &frac58; Fraction 5/8 VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTS
U+215E \u215E &#x215E; &#8542; &frac78; Fraction 7/8 VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTS
U+044; \u044; &#x044; &#8260; &frasl; Fraction slash FRACTION SLASH
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#____; &and; Logital AND
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#____; &or; Logical OR
U+2030 \u2030 &#x2030; &#8240; &permil; per mille PER MILLE SIGN
U+2031 \u2031 &#x2031; &#8241; &pertenk; per ten thousand PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN
U+2111 \u2111 &#x2111; &#8465; &image; &Im; &imagpart; &Ifr; imaginary number BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I
U+211C \u211C &#x211C; &#8476; &real; &Re; &realpart; &Rfr; real number BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R


Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
[ U+005B \u005B &#x005B; &#91; &lsqb; &lbrack; left square bracket LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
] U+005D \u005D &#x005D; &#93; &rsqb; &rbrack; right square bracket RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
( U+0028 \u0028 &#x0028; &#40; &lpar; left paren LEFT PARENTHESIS
) U+0029 \u0029 &#x0029; &#41; &rpar; right paren RIGHT PARENTHESIS
{ U+007B \u007B &#x007B; &#123; &lcub; &lbrace; left curly brace LEFT CURLY BRACKET
} U+007D \u007D &#x007D; &#125; &rcub; &rbrace; right curly brace RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
U+2039 \u2039 &#x2039; &#8249; &lsaquo; left-pointing angle quote SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
U+2040 \u2040 &#x2040; &#8250; &rsaquo; right-pointing angle quote SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK

Diacritics (Accents): Acute, Grave, etc.

Wikipedia: Diacritic

Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode Name
^ U+005E \u005E &#x005E; &#94; &Hat; circumflex CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
¯ U+00AF \u00AF &#x00AF; &#175; &macr; spacing MACRON
U+FFE3 \uFFE3 &#xFFE3; &#65507; &____; fullwidth macron (CJK) FULLWIDTH MACRON
ˉ U+02C9 \u02C9 &#x02C9; &#713; &____; spacing SPACING MACRON ?
̄ U+0304 \u0304 &#x0304; &#772; &____; combining COMBINING MACRON
ˍ U+02CD \u02CD &#x02CD; &#717; &____; underbar SPACING MACRON BELOW
̱ U+0331 \u0331 &#x0331; &#817; &____; underbar COMBINING MACRON BELOW
̌ U+030C \u030C &#x030C; &#780; &____; caron COMBINING CARON
` U+0060 \u0060 &#x0060; &#96; &grave; &DiacriticalGrave; grave GRAVE ACCENT

Bars & Lines

Entity Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Category Unicode Name
¦ U+00A6 \u00A6 &#x00A6; &#166; &brvbar; Broken Bar (U+A6) Symbol, Other (SO) LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT
U+2758 \u2758 &#x2758; &#10072; &____; Light Vertical Bar (U+2758) Symbol, Other (SO) DINGBATS
U+2759 \u2759 &#x2759; &#10073; &____; Medium Vertical Bar (U+2759) Symbol, Other (SO) DINGBATS
U+275A \u275A &#x275A; &#10074; &____; Heavy Vertical Bar (U+275A) Symbol, Other (SO) DINGBATS
U+2E20 \u2E20 &#x2E20; &#11808; &____; Left Vertical Bar With Quill (U+2E20) Punctuation, Initial Quote (PI) SUPPLEMENTAL_PUNCTUATION
U+20D3 \u20D3 &#x20D3; &#8403; &____; Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay (U+20D3) Mark, Nonspacing (MN) COMBINING_MARKS_FOR_SYMBOLS
U+20D2 \u20D2 &#x20D2; &#8402; &____; Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay (U+20D2) Mark, Nonspacing (MN) COMBINING_MARKS_FOR_SYMBOLS
| U+007C \u007C &#x007C; &#124; &____; Vertical Line (U+7C) Symbol, Math (SM) BASIC_LATIN
U+FF5C \uFF5C &#xFF5C; &#65372; &____; Fullwidth Vertical Line (U+FF5C) Symbol, Math (SM) HALFWIDTH_AND_FULLWIDTH_FORMS
U+2016 \u2016 &#x2016; &#8214; &____; Double Vertical Line (U+2016) Symbol, Math (SM) GENERAL_PUNCTUATION
U+2AFE \u2AFE &#x2AFE; &#11006; &____; White Vertical Bar (U+2AFE) Symbol, Math (SM) SUPPLEMENTAL_MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS
⫿ U+2AFF \u2AFF &#x2AFF; &#11007; &____; N-Ary White Vertical Bar (U+2AFF) Symbol, Math (SM) SUPPLEMENTAL_MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS
U+27CA \u27CA &#x27CA; &#10186; &____; Vertical Bar With Horizontal Stroke Symbol, Math (SM) MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_A
U+29B6 \u29B6 &#x29B6; &#10678; &____; Circled Vertical Bar (U+29B6) Symbol, Math (SM) MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_B
U+29DE \u29DE &#x29DE; &#10718; &____; Infinity Negated With Vertical Bar (U+29DE) Symbol, Math (SM) MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_B
U+2980 \u2980 &#x2980; &#10624; &____; Triple Vertical Bar Delimiter (U+2980) Symbol, Math (SM) MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_B
U+203E \u203E &#x203E; &#8254; &oline; OVERLINE
_ U+005F \u005F &#x005F; &#95; &lowbar; LOW LINE
̠ U+0320 \u0320 &#x0320; &#800; &____; COMBINING MINUS BELOW
U+2017 \u2017 &#x2017; &#8215; &____; DOUBLE LOW LINE
̠ U+0320 \u0320 &#x0320; &#800; &____; COMBINING MINUS BELOW
̲ U+0332 \u0332 &#x0332; &#818; &____; COMBINING LOW LINE
| U+007C \u007C &#x007C; &#124; &verbar; &vert; &VerticalLine; VERTICAL LINE
U+2015 \u2015 &#x2015; &#8213; &horbar; HORIZONTAL BAR
U+2016 \u2016 &#x2016; &#8214; &Verbar; &Vert; DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE

Localization (Ligatures)

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
æ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &aelig;
ß U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &szlig; small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
U+____ \u____ &#x1E9E; &#7838; &____; capital sharp S, German

Computer Commands

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
U+____ \u____ |&#x____;||↵` Carriage return

White Space

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
  U+0020 \u0020 &#x0020; &#32; &nbsp; Non-Breaking Space

Currency Symbols

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
¤ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#164; &curren; Generic
$ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &dollar; US dollar
¢ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#162; &cent; cent sign
£ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &pound; pound sterling sign
U+20AC \u20AC &#x20AC; &#8364; &euro; euro sign
¥ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &yen; yen sign

Direction Symbols

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8593; &uarr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8594; &rarr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8595; &darr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8592; &larr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8596; &harr; __
U+2195 \u2195 &#x2195 &#8597; &updownarrow; Up Down Arrow
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8657; &uArr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8658; &rArr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8659; &dArr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8656; &lArr; __
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#8660; &hArr; __
^ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#94; &Hat; hat
ˆ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#710; &circ; circumflex accent
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#65342; &____; fullwidth circumflex accent
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &and; Logital AND
U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &or; Logical OR
< U+003C \u003C &#x003C; &#60; &lt; less than
> U+003E \u003E &#x003E; &#62; &gt; greater than

Music Symbols

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
𝅝 U+1D15D \u1D15D &#x1D15D; &#119133; N/A Whole note MUSICAL SYMBOL WHOLE NOTE
U+2669 \u2669 &#x2669; &#9833; N/A Quarter note QUARTER NOTE
U+266A \u266A &#x266A; &#9834; N/A Eighth note EIGHTH NOTE
U+266B \u266B &#x266B; &#9835; N/A Beamed eighth notes BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES
U+266C \u266C &#x266C; &#9836; N/A Beamed sixteenth notes BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES
U+266D \u266D &#x266D; &#9837; N/A Flat sign MUSIC FLAT SIGN
U+266E \u266E &#x266E; &#9838; N/A Natural sign MUSIC NATURAL SIGN
U+266F \u266F &#x266F; &#9839; N/A Sharp sign MUSIC SHARP SIGN


Special Characters

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
U+F8FF \uF8FF &#xF8FF; &#63743; &____; Apple Apple Logo
U+2318 \u2318 &#x2318; &#8984; &____; Command PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN
^ U+2303 \u2303 &#x2303; &#8963; &____; Control (Ctrl) UP ARROWHEAD
U+2325 \u2325 &#x2325; &#8997; &____; Option (Alt) OPTION KEY
U+21E7 \u21E7 &#x21E7; &#8679; &____; Shift UPWARDS WHITE ARROW
U+21EA \u21EA &#x21EA; &#8682; &____; Caps Lock UPWARDS WHITE ARROW FROM BAR
U+07F7 \u07F7 &#x07F7; &#9993; &____; Envelope
߷ U+07F7 \u07F7 &#x07F7; &#2039; &____; Nko symbol gbakurunen

Legal Symbols

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
© U+____ \u____ &#x00A9; &#169; &copy; Copyright
® U+____ \u____ &#x00AE; &#174; &reg; Registered Trademark
U+____ \u____ &#x2117; &#8471; &copysr; Sound Recording Copyright SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT
U+____ \u____ &#x2122; &#8482; &trade; &TRADE; Trademark
U+____ \u____ &#x2120; &#8480; &____; Service Mark
U+____ \u____ &#x211E; &#8478; &rx; PRESCRIPTION TAKE
__ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &____;
__ U+____ \u____ &#x____; &#___; &____;

Spiritual/Religious Symbols

Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
U+2625 \u2625 &#x2625; &#9765; &____; Ankh Ankh
U+2609 \u2609 &#x2609; &#9737; &____; Sun / Circumpunkt Sun / Circumpunkt
U+262E \u262E &#x262E; &#9774; &____; Peace Peace
U+262F \u262F &#x262F; &#9775; &____; Yin & Yang Yin & Yang
U+221E \u221E &#x221E; &#8734; &infin; Infinity


Glyph Code Point Unicode Escape Unicode Entity Decimal Entity Named Entity Description Unicode
U+25CA \u25CA &#x25CA; &#9674; &loz; Geometric Shape – Lozenge
U+211E \u211E &#x211E; &#8478; &____; Pharmaceutical Rx
U+2622 \u2622 &#x2622; &#9762; &____; Radioactive
U+2623 \u2623 &#x2623; &#9763; &____; Biohazard
U+22C6 \u22C6 &#x22C6; &#8902; &Star; &sstarf; Star STAR OPERATOR
U+22C4 \u22C4 &#x22C4; &#8900; &diam; &diamond; &Diamond; Diamond