JavaScript DOM Reference

Realm Key:
? = Unsure
IE = Internet Explorer
NS = Netscape and Firefox using both the Mozilla and Gecko engines.
Op = Opera
Pr = Browsers that use the Presto engine such as Opera 10+
Rh = Rhino is Mozilla’s Java implementation of JavaScript.
SM = SpiderMonkey is Mozilla’s C implementation of JavaScript.
V8 = Google’s OpenSource JavaScript Engine used in Google Chrome and Chromium.
W3C = World Wide Web Consortium (the web standard)
WK = WebKit based browsers such as Safari and Chrome

Global Members

Member Realm Description
innerWidth, innerHeight NS R/W property of the window’s content area’s width and height in pixels. Does not include toolbar, scrollbars, etc.
length ? Returns the number of frames contained in the window.
outerWidth, outerHeight NS R/W property that specifies the total width and height in pixels. Including toolbar, scrollbars, etc.
pageXOffset, pageYOffset NS Returns an integer in pixels the current document has been scrolled from the upper left corner of the window.

Dimension & Position

Member Realm Description
window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight NS R/W property of the window’s content area width and height in pixels. Does not include toolbar, scrollbars, etc.
document.body.clientWidth / document.body.clientHeight IE ^
window.outerWidth / window.outerHeight NS R/W property that specifies the window’s total width and height in pixels. Including toolbar, scrollbars, etc.
window.pageXOffset / window.pageYOffset NS Returns an integer in pixels the current document has been scrolled from the upper left corner of the window.
window.scrollX / window.scrollY NS ^
document.body.scrollLeft / document.body.scrollTop IE ^
window.screenX / window.screenY NS R/W property that specifies the x and y coordinates of the window relative to the user’s monitor screen.
window.screenLeft / window.screenTop IE ^
window.resizeBy(dx, dy) ? Resize the window by the specified amount in pixels.
window.resizeTo(dx, dy) ? Resize the window to the specified pixel dimensions.
window.scrollBy(dx, dy) ? Scrolls the window by the specified amount in pixels.
window.scrollByLines(lines) NS Scroll the document by the number of lines specified.
window.scrollByPages(pages) NS Scroll the document by the number of pages specified.
window.scrollTo(x, y) ? Scrolls a window to the specified pixel value.
window.sizeToContent() NS Sizes the window to fit the content contained within. Useful for popups.


Member Realm Description
window.screen ? Reference to the screen object.
screen.availWidth / screen.availHeight ? Returns the width or height of the screen minus taskbar, etc. @see window.innerWidth
screen.colorDepth ? The bit depth of the color palette available for displaying images in bits per pixel.
screen.width / screen.height ? The total screen width or height of the monitor, etc.


Member Realm Description
window.length ? Returns the number of frames contained in the window.


Member Realm Description
addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture) FF/W3C param eventType A string representing the event to bind, without the "on" prefix. For example, "click", "mousedown" etc. param listener The object or function to fire when the event fires. The actual parameter entered should be a reference to the function or object (ie: “dothis” instead of “dothis()”. param useCapture Boolean indicating whether to bind the event as it is propogating towards the target node, (event Capture), or as the event bubbles upwards from the target (event bubble). Set to true or false, respectively. | | window.attachEvent(eventType, listener) | IE 5+ | ^ param eventType The event string should include the “on” prefix (ie: “onload”, “onclick” etc).
dispatchEvent(eventObject) FF/W3C Manually dispatch’s an event.
fireEvent(eventObject) IE ^
removeEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture) FF/W3C @see addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture)
detachEvent(eventType, listener) IE ^


Member Realm Description
window.getComputedStyle(elementRef, pseudoElementName) FF/W3C Returns a style object for the specified element.
document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elementRef, pseudoElementName) FF/WK ^
elementRef.currentStyle IE ^ ? Inline style object
document.styleSheets ? Array of all stylesheet object either defined by <style> or <link> tag.

JavaScript “Style”

Getting global and external style sheet values in DHTML

Unique case "float" (standard) (IE quirks mode)

Clear styles using an empty string = "";