Mobile Notes

High Resolution (Retina) Displays

Mobile Misc.

David Calhoun

Mobile Testing

Chrome for Android v30 and later can connect via USB cable to Chrome on your desktop and utilize it’s dev tools with the use of the ADB browser extension in the desktop browser.

Safari on iOS 6+ can do the same via Safari desktop’s Web Inspector if:

  1. The Web Inspector is enabled in Mobile Safari’s settings
  2. Xcode recognizes the device. Not noted anywhere but I could not get my iPad mini to show up under Safari’s Develop menu until this and the next step were done.
  3. You have an active Apple Developer account. A free Safari account works fine. And may be a requirement though it’s not listed anywhere I could see.

Mobile HTML / HTML5

HTML5 Video

Mobile Links


<a href="sms:">Launch Messages App</a>
<a href="sms:1-408-555-1212">New SMS Message</a>

Phone Numbers

RFC 3966

Spoken Global Number +1 (310) RUNE-IMP Ext:69

ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector

Mobile CSS

Media Queries

W3C: Media Queries Level 4

/* none | course | fine */
@media (pointer:coarse){
    height: 150%;
    width: 150%;
@media (pointer:fine){
    height: 80%;
    width: 80%;


Browser Zoom Enabled Zoom Disabled Notes
Amazon Kindle Fire (WebKit) static OK -
Amazon Kindle Fire (Netfront) OK OK -
Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) jitter jitter -
Android 2.3 static OK -
Android 2.2 snaps snaps -
Android 2.1 None None -
BlackBerry PlayBook 1.0.7 (WebKit) OK OK Seems as if the text inside the fixed element is a BITMAP; fuzzy and jagged.
BlackBerry 7.0 (WebKit) OK OK -
BlackBerry 6.0 snap snap -
BlackBerry 5.0 jittery jittery -
Firefox Mobile 6.0 OK OK -
Firefox Mobile 5.x snap snap -
HP TouchPad animate animate Looks janky
iOS 5 Mobile Safari OK OK BUG: †
iOS 4 Mobile Safari static static -
Nokia N9 (MeeGo) static static -
Nook Color (1st and 2nd gen) static OK -
Opera Mobile ? snap snap Positioning calculations are sometimes incorrect.
Opera Mini ? None None -
WebOS 1.4 animate animate Looks janky
Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) static static -
Windows Phone 7 static static -
iOS 5 Mobile Safari Bug: Using fake scrolling (scrollTop), the element is fixed but, after the fake scrolling is complete, its children and itself will remain inactive (if links: not clickable) until you physically scroll with your finger a few pixels.

animate – Element animates into place.
jittery – Fixed elements jitter while scrolling but stay in place.
snaps – Snaps into place after scrolling is complete.
static – position:fixed; equals position:static;


Zoom Disabled
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
Zoom Enabled Equals and Scrollable Equals
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    .scrollable section {
        padding-top: 0;
        height: 364px;
        overflow: scroll;
        -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
        -webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto;// Continuous onscroll event but no momentum
        // @see

Mobile Viewport

Meta Tags

Palm OS, AdvantGo browser, etc.

<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true" /><!-- true or false -->
    true means the content is already designed for small screens and
    should not be further enhanced by the system

Microsoft PocketPC

MS Layout Meta Tag - Windows Mobile 6.5 2010-04-08

Default fit-to-screen layout is 640px.

Screen Size Platform
content="176" Windows Mobile Standard
content="240" Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic (suggested setting for these platforms)
content="320" Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic (high DPI)
<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="320" /><!-- Base width -->

Viewport Settings

Viewport Property Notes
width Sets the width of the viewport, in pixels, or the keyword device-width, which means whatever the width of the device screen is. The range is from 320 to 10,000.
height Sets the height of the viewport, in pixels, or the keyword device-height. The range is from 480 to 10,000.
user-scalable Indicates whether or not the user can scale the viewport, or in other words whether or not they can zoom in and out within content. Values can be yes or no. The default and recommended value is yes.
initial-scale Sets the initial scale of the Viewport*. Allowable values are 0.1 to 10.0
minimum-scale Sets the minimum allowable scale of the Viewport*. Allowable values are 0.1 to 10.0
maximum-scale Sets the maximum allowable scale of the Viewport*. Allowable values are 0.1 to 10.0

*Note: In the initial release, IE Mobile for Windows Phone 7 does not support initial-scale, maximum-scale, or minimum-scale.

The IE Mobile Viewport on Windows Phone 7

Managing the browser viewport in Windows Phone 7

device-width should equal 480px but defaults to 320px in portrait mode.

Order of importance ascending. Should be the same for all mobile browsers. Not just IE Mobile.

  1. HandheldFriendly
  2. MobileOptimized (overrides HandheldFriendly)
  3. Viewport (overrides both MobileOptimized and HandheldFriendly)


<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"><!-- Dissable telephone number detection -->
<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="/startup.png"><!-- 320x460 -->

Device Default Layout Viewport Width

Visual Viewport (screen) > Layout Viewport > Page

Phone Browser Default Layout Viewport Width HandheldFriendly = true MobileOptimized = 320 MobileOptimized = ANY
iOS Mobile Safari 980px 33% 980px 33% 980px 33% 980px 33%
Android Mobile Safari 800px / 800px 100% 360px / 640px 100% 360px / 640px 360px / 640px
Android Firefox Mobile 800px / 800px 800px / 800px 800px / 800px 800px / 800px
Android Opera Mobile 980px (360px) / 980px (640px) 980px (360px) / 980px (640px) ignored ignored
Android Opera Mini - - - -
Opera Mobile 850px - - -
Symbian WebKit LV = VV. Max VV is 850px - - -
Bada WebKit width of widest element - - -
BlackBerry LV = VV. 100% zoom. 465px - - -
Windows Phone 7 1024px - - -
Windows Mobile - IE 974px - - -
Phone Browser viewport width=device-width viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 viewport width=320
iOS Mobile Safari 320px (winIW: 401px, docW: 401px) / 320px (winIW: 401px, docW: 401px) 80% 320px (winIW: 320px, docW: 401px) 100% / 480px (winIW: 480px, docW: 636px) 67% -
Android Mobile Safari 360px / 640px 100% 360px / 640px -
Android Firefox Mobile 800px / 800px 360px / 640px 320px / 320px
Android Opera Mobile 360px / 640px - 320px (333px) / 320px (333px)
Android Opera Mini - - -
Opera Mobile - - -
Symbian WebKit - - -
Bada WebKit - - -
BlackBerry - - -
Windows Phone 7 - - -
Windows Mobile - IE - - -
Phone Browser viewport width=700 viewport initial-scale=1 viewport width=320, initial-scale=1 viewport width=700, initial-scale=1
Android Firefox Mobile 700px / 700px 360px / 640px 360px / 640px 700px / 700px
Android Opera Mobile 700px (360px) / 700px (640px) - - 700px (360px) / 700px (640px)

Values in parenthesis refer to window.innerWidth.

winIW = window.innerWidth
docW = $(document).width()
LV = Layout Viewport
VV = Visual Viewport

Devices Tested

iOS Mobile Safari – iPod Touch 3rd Generation. iOS 5.0.1. WebKit/534.46 Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3 Screen: HVGA – 320x480
Android * – HTC Amaze 4G. Android 2.3.4. AppleWebKit/533.1 Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1. Screen: qHD – 540x960. Pixel Ratio: 1.5.


Apple Technical Note TN2262: Preparing Your Web Content for iPad

Screen Resolution

Tablet Screen Size Screen Resolution OS Price Notes
Sony Tablet P 5.5″ × 2 1024×480 Android 3.x - 1GB RAM, 4GB ROM, microSD (2GB/32GB) Expandable, TruBlack Display, NVIDIA Tegra Processor, folding split screen
Acer Iconia 10.1″ 1280×800 Android - -
ASUS TF101 Eee Pad Transformer 10.1″ 1280×800 Android 3.0 - -
Motorola Xoom 10.1″ 1280×800 Android - -
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 10.1″ 1280×800 Android - -
Toshiba Thrive 10.1″ 1280×800 Android - -
HP Touchpad 9.7″ 1024×768 webOS - -
iPad 9.7″ 1024×768 iOS - -
iPad 2 9.7″ 1024×768 iOS - -
iPad 3 9.7″ 2048×1526 iOS - Retina Display
Sony Tablet S 9.4″ 1280×800 Android 3.x 16GB $399.99
32GB $499.99
1GB RAM, 16GB/32GB ROM, SD Slot for transfer, TruBlack Display, NVIDIA Tegra2 Processor, Camera 0.3/5 MP
LG Optimum 8.9″ 1280×768 Android - -
Visio VTAB1008 8″ 1024×768 Android 2.3.2 - 2GB?
BlackBerry PlayBook 7″ 1024×600 QNX - -
HTC Flyer 7″ 1024×600 Android - -
Samsung Galaxy Tab (original) 7″ 1024×600 Android - -
Dell Streak 7″ 800×480 Android - -
Viewsonic Viewpad 7″ 800×480 Android - -
_____ ___″ 1024×768 Android - -


  1. Android v1.0 (API level 1)
  2. Android v1.1 (API level 2)
  3. Android v1.5 Cupcake (API level 3)
  4. Android v1.6 Donut (API level 4)
  5. Android v2.0 Eclair (API level 5)
  6. Android v2.0.1 Eclair (API level 6)
  7. Android v2.1 Eclair (API level 7)
  8. Android v2.2 Froyo (API level 8)
  9. Android v2.3.2 Gingerbread (API level 9)
  10. Android v2.3.7 Gingerbread (API level 10)
  11. Android v3.0 Honeycomb (API level 11)
  12. Android v3.1 Honeycomb (API level 12)
  13. Android v3.2 Honeycomb (API level 13)
  14. Android v4.0 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) (API level 14)
  15. Android v4.0.3 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) (API level 15)
  16. Android v4.1 Jelly Bean (API level 16)
  17. Android v4.2 Jelly Bean (API level 17)
  18. Android v4.3 Jelly Bean (API level 18)
  19. Android v4.4 KitKat (API level 19)

Wikipedia: Android Version History