published: true # true | false
type: theme
theme: theme-name
template: index.mustache
meta: # meta Element Definitions
- name: author
content: RuneImp
copy: http://runeimp.com/
# view: ToSpecifyView
script: # script Element Definitions
async: "true"
path: /assets/js/home
type: js
minify: false # true | false | {module: ModuleName, ...module specific config... }
region1: # Could be "main" sans quotes or whatever
type: textile
path: home/index
region2: # Could be named "widget", "aside" sans quotes or whatever
type: iframe
src: /widget/calendar/layout.html
width: 200
height: 400
region3: # Could be named "footer" sans quotes or whatever
type: inline
content: >
Magical inline content...
textile: >
The path points to a file to put through a Textile parser and inserted into the content
node for the region.
inline: Content exists within the content node.
iframe: Same as inline but there is an iframe node instead of a content node for the template.
@see "Converting bzr repositories to git":http://joelcogen.blogspot.com/2011/07/converting-bzr-repositories-to-git.html
Upgraded to bzr 2.5 which has bzr-fastimport but I was still missing python-fastimport which is needed by bzr-fastimport
Downloaded python-fastimport-0.9.2.tar.gz from https://launchpad.net/python-fastimport
$ tar xfz python-fastimport-0.9.2.tar.gz
$ cd python-fastimport-0.9.2
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ mkdir work.git $ cd work.git $ git init --bare $ bzr fast-export --export-marks=../marks.bzr ../work.bzr | git fast-import --export-marks=../marks.git
# To add branches bzr fast-export --marks=../marks.bzr/ --git-branch=assets ../work.bzr/assets | git fast-import --import-marks=../marks.git --export-marks=../marks.git
git remote add <github repo location> git push --all # push all branches
$ mkdir work
$ cd work
$ git init
$ bzr fast-export --export-marks=../marks.bzr ../work.bzr | git fast-import --export-marks=../marks.git
$ git checkout