1h. UNIX Dev Notes


Piping Arguments

command > file      Redirect command output to file. Creates a file or overwrites an existing one.
command >> file     Redirect command output and append to file. Creates file or appends an existing one.
command < file      Use file as input for command.
cmd1 | cmd2         Pipe output of cmd1 to input of cmd2.

Wild Cards

?  Single character wild card.
*   Anything wild card.

Command History Repetition

history    Show command history
!num    Repeat command with history number num
!str    Repeat last command starting with str
!!      Repeat entire last command line
!$      Repeat last word of last command line

Changing Access Mode

Mode Settings Per Individual Role and Mode

u   user (owner)
g   group
o   other (anyone)

+   add permission
-   remove permission

r   read
w   write
x   execute

Example: chmod ug+x file    Make file executable by user and group. Does not change other permissions.

Mode Settings Exact By Position

1   execute
2   write
4   read

Example: chmod 764 file     Make file r+w+x for user, r+w for group and read-only for other users.



strace -f -eexecve COMMAND 2>&1 | grep EACC

tr and xargs

echo $PATH |tr ‘:’ ‘\n’ |xargs ls -ld


diff -Baq

-B  Ignore blank lines
-a  Text only
-q  Only differences
-y  Two colum output
-w  Ignore whitespace differences

diff -Baqy odm/dev/client/classes/odm/managers/SoundManager.as flash_dev/TRUNK/classes/odm/managers/SoundManager.as diff.txt
diff -wq odm/dev/client/classes/odm/managers/SoundManager.as flash_dev/TRUNK/classes/odm/managers/SoundManager.as diff.txt

NOTICE: The releases on this site are OUT OF DATE. Xdelta development has moved to code.google.com.
Sourceforge was good throughout the years, but Subversion support at googlecode is great. Xdelta blog: http://xdelta.org
