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WebFont formats: EOT (Embeded OpenType), TTF (TrueType Font), SVG, WOFF (Web Only Font Format)
WebFonts supported by
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Mobile Browsers: iOS Mobile Safari, Android 2.2+, BlackBerry OS 6.
WOFF Browser Support: FF 3.6+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 11+, IE 9+
WOFF Engine Support: Presto 2.7.18+, WebKit
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Embeded OpenType | .eot | application/vnd.ms-fontobject |
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Compatibility Web Type | .cwt? | application/vnd.ms-fontobject ? |
Simplified subset of EOT |
TrueType Font | .ttf | application/octet-stream |
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OpenType Font | .otf | application/octet-stream |
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SVG Font | .svg | image/svg+xml |
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Web Open Font Format | .woff | application/x-font-woff (Chrome),application/font-woff (W3C, eventually) |
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Web Open Font Format | .woff | application/x-woff (Wikipedia),font/woff (Font CDN) |
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Format | Trident | Gecko | Mozilla | WebKit | Mobile Safari | Presto | Notes |
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TTF (TrueType / OpenType TT Font) | 5.0 | 1.9.1 | No | 525 | iOS 4.2 | 2.2 | Standard TTF or OpenType TT Font with TTF Outlines |
OTF (OpenType PS Font) | 5.0 | 1.9.1 | No | 525 | No | 2.2 | OpenType PS Font with Postscript Outlines. MS & Adobe creation |
EOT (Embedded OpenType) | <3.1 ^[IE 4]^ | No | No | No | No | No | Microsoft’s variation of TTF & OTF supporting compression and domain locking |
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) | No | No | No | 525 | iOS < 4.2 | 2.2 | - |
WOFF (Web Open Font Format) | 5.0 | 1.9.2 | No | 533 | No | 2.7.81 | Initiative from Mozilla, MS and Opera. Wrapper for TTF and OTF and ZLIB compression. |
Trident 5.0: IE 9
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WebKit 532.?: Chrome (enabled by default)
WebKit 533: Chrome 5, Safari 4.1
Presto 2.2: Opera Mobile 9.7 / Opera 10
Presto 2.7: Opera 11
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OpenType @liga@ ligatures | No | 2.0 | Partial | No |
OpenType @rlig@ ligatures | No | 2.0 | No | No |
ZWNJ and ZWJ (Unicode characters used for ligature control) | Yes | 2.0 | Yes | No |
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Served for Chrome 31, Safari 6.1 on OS X 10.8.5
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