!TransitionManager !!fl.transitions.Photo Makes the movie clip object appear or disappear like a photographic flash. This effect requires no additional parameters. import fl.transitions.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; TransitionManager.start (img1_mc, {type:Photo, direction:Transition.IN, duration:1, easing:None.easeNone}); !!fl.transitions.*: Blinds The Blinds class reveals the movie clip object by using appearing or disappearing rectangles. Fade The Fade class fades the movie clip object in or out. Fly The Fly class slides the movie clip object in from a specified direction. Iris The Iris class reveals the movie clip object by using an animated mask of a square shape or a circle shape that zooms in or out. Photo Makes the movie clip object appear or disappear like a photographic flash. PixelDissolve The PixelDissolve class reveals reveals the movie clip object by using randomly appearing or disappearing rectangles in a checkerboard pattern. Rotate The Rotate class rotates the movie clip object. Squeeze The Squeeze class scales the movie clip object horizontally or vertically. Wipe The Wipe class reveals or hides the movie clip object by using an animated mask of a shape that moves horizontally. Zoom The Zoom class zooms the movie clip object in or out by scaling it in proportion. Transition The Transition class is the base class for all transition classes. TransitionManager The TransitionManager class defines animation effects. Tween The Tween class lets you use ActionScript to move, resize, and fade movie clips by specifying a property of the target movie clip to animate over a number of frames or seconds. TweenEvent The TweenEvent class represents events that are broadcast by the fl.transitions.Tween class. !!fl.transitions.easing.*: Back The Back class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animations. Bounce The Bounce class defines three easing functions to implement bouncing motion with ActionScript animation, similar to a ball falling and bouncing on a floor with several decaying rebounds. Elastic The Elastic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave. None The None class defines easing functions to implement nonaccelerated motion with ActionScript animations. Regular The Regular class defines three easing functions to implement accelerated motion with ActionScript animations. Strong The Strong class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. !!fl.motion.* Animator The Animator class applies an XML description of a motion tween to a display object. BezierEase The BezierEase class provides precise easing control for a motion tween between two keyframes. BezierSegment A Bezier segment consists of four Point objects that define a single cubic Bezier curve. Color The Color class extends the Flash Player ColorTransform class, adding the ability to control brightness and tint. CustomEase The CustomEase class is used to modify specific properties of the easing behavior of a motion tween as the tween progresses over time. FunctionEase The FunctionEase class allows custom interpolation functions to be used with the fl.motion framework in place of other interpolations like SimpleEase and CustomEase. Keyframe The Keyframe class defines the visual state at a specific time in a motion tween. MatrixTransformer The MatrixTransformer class contains methods for modifying individual properties of a transformation matrix: horizontal and vertical scale, horizontal and vertical skew, and rotation. Motion The Motion class stores a keyframe animation sequence that can be applied to a visual object. MotionEvent The MotionEvent class represents events that are broadcast by the fl.motion.Animator class. RotateDirection The RotateDirection class provides constant values for rotation behavior during a tween. SimpleEase The SimpleEase class allows you to control an animation with the kind of percentage easing that is used in the Flash timeline. Source The Source class stores information about the context in which a Motion instance was generated. Tweenables The Tweenables class provides constant values for the names of animation properties used in the Motion and Keyframe classes. !!fl.motion.easing.* Back The Back class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animations. Bounce The Bounce class defines three easing functions to implement bouncing motion with ActionScript animation, similar to a ball falling and bouncing on a floor with several decaying rebounds. Circular The Circular class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. Cubic The Cubic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. Elastic The Elastic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave. Exponential The Exponential class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. Linear The Linear class defines easing functions to implement non-accelerated motion with ActionScript animations. Quadratic The Quadratic class defines three easing functions to implement accelerated motion with ActionScript animations. Quartic The Quartic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. Quintic The Quintic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. Sine The Sine class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation.