= Taxonomic Rank = In biological classification of organisms, rank (sometimes taxonemic category) is a term used to indicate the relative level in a taxonemic hierarchy; taxa may be ranked at a particular taxonemic level. A binomial is a two-term name which is used for a particular species. For example, the binomial for the human species is Homo sapiens: this is italicised in print (and underlined when italics are not available). In this case, Homo is the generic name and refers to the genus; it is capitalized; sapiens indicates the species: it is written in lower case. A subspecies (a taxon at the rank of subspecies) gets a name composed of three names (a trinominal name or trinomen : generic name + specific name + subspecific name; for example Felis silvestris catus, the house cat). As there is only one rank below that of species, no connecting term to indicate rank is used. == Life == ==== Note ==== Charles Robert Darwin's Tree of Life AKA Phylogenetic Tree of Life == Domain == Three domains of life eukaryote, bacteria and archaea. Also superregnum, superkingdom, or empire == Kingdom == Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea and Bacteria. == Phylum | Division == (zoology | botany) == Class == == Order == == Family == superfamily family subfamily tribe subtribe == Genus == Genus subgenus == Species == Species subspecies