Regular Expressions for HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Wiki RegEx

Textile Links to SWiki Links

"([^"]+)":([^ ]+)

Textile Label Embolden



Ultimate Regular Expression for HTML tag parsing with PHP



HTML Entities

Replacing ‘ in words with apostrophes


Replacing “ and “ before a word with left-double-quote

([\t ]+)["“]([a-z]+)

Replacing “ and ” after a word with right-double-quote

([a-z]+)["”]([\t ]+)

Replacing ‘ and ’ after numbers with primes


Replacing “ and ” after numbers with a Prime


Replace “ and ” surrounded by spaces with a ditto mark

〃 or U+3003

Strip newlines from around TD A pairs


Capture a tag


Changing all uppercase HTML tags to lower case


\l	Lowercase next character
\u	Uppercase next character
\L	Lowercase until \E
\U	Uppercase until \E
\E	End case modification

Strip tag pairs down to the opening tag name and it’s attributes


Change XML/HTML attributes with single-quotes to double-quotes


Must be run multiple times.

(?<=<[a-z]+[\t ]+)([a-z-]+="[^"]+"[\t ]+)*?([a-z-]+)='([^']+)' BROKEN

Remove tabs and extra whitespace from attribute values

([a-zA-Z-]+=["'][^\t"']*)(\t| [\t ])[\t ]*

Move tag class attribute to the front

<([a-z]+)(.*?)( class="[^"]+")>

Finding an class name within HTML


Move tag id attribute to the front

<([a-z]+)(.*?)( id="[^"]+")>


Replace // with Proper CSS Comment Syntax

([\t ]*)//(.+)\n
$1/* $2 */\n

Replace = with : for CSS Attributes


Wrap URLs in single quotes. Shouldn’t be needed


Properly Indent CSS

^([a-z-]+?: .+?;)

