Regular Expression Notes

Replacement Text Reference
RegEx in a Nutshell

Regular expression for man pages to remove bullshit.


Grouping & Modifiers

Capturing Group


Non-Capturing Group


Atomic Group

(?>regex) Prevents backtracking back into the group after a match.


Positive Lookahead: (?=RegEx)
Negative Lookahead: (?!RegEx)
Positive Lookbehind: (?<=RegEx)
Negative Lookbehind: (?<!RegEx)

([0-9]{3})[-)./ ]*([0-9]{3})[-)./ ]*([0-9]{4})


EXPLANATION: Reformat all phone numbers to 123-456-7890
([0-9]{3})	Three numbers, capture
[-)./ ]*	May or may not have hyphen(s), closing parenthesis, period(s), slash(es)  or space(s)
([0-9]{3})	Three numbers, capture
[-./ ]*		May or may not have hyphen(s), period(s), slash(es)  or space(s)
([0-9]{4})	Four numbers, capture



IF lookaround (and) THEN RegEx ELSE RegEx.

Success if the lookaround and THEN match or the lookaround fails and the ELSE matches

TextMate Conditionals


Lowercase and replace spaces with a hyphen

([^ ]+)( )?

RegEx Comment


Turn Case-Insensitivity on or off for the Rest of the Expression

(?i) Toggle On
(?-i) Toggle Off