Regular Expression JavaScript Notes
Based on RegEx with two groups.
Capturing Groups w/out Global
0. RegEx Match
1. First Group
2. Second Group
Capturing Groups w/ Global
0. RegEx Match
1. First Group
2. Second Group
Non-Capturing Groups w/out Global
0. RegEx Match
Non-Capturing Groups w/ Global
0. RegEx Match
Capturing Groups w/out Global
0. RegEx Match
1. First Group
2. Second Group
Capturing Groups w/ Global
0. First RegEx Match
1. Second RegEx Match
2. Third RegEx Match
Non-Capturing Groups w/out Global
0. RegEx Match
Non-Capturing Groups w/ Global
0. First RegEx Match
1. Second RegEx Match
2. Third RegEx Match
Minify JavaScript RegEx
Remove Single-Line Comments
\b( |\t)*//.+
Remove Block Comments
Remove space from around operators
[ ](={1,3}|\!={1,2}|\-=|\+=|\+|-|\*|\/|%|<|>|\|{1,2}|&&|\?|:)[ ]
Remove spaces from the left side of parenthesis and curly braces
Remove spaces from the right side of parenthesis, commas and colons
(\(|\)|,|:)( |\t)+
Remove new lines following curly braces, parenthesis, semicolons, commas and “try” statements
[] represents an empty string or null value