Regular Expression String Parsing

URI RegExp

parse_url RegExp



Line Filtering

Match any line (including line ending) that does NOT contain the string “skip me” with word boundaries:

(?!.*\bskip me\b).*\r\n

Delete all lines that don’t start with “— (nnnn)” or have the word Stream or AuthorizationManager

(^((?!(-- \([0-9]+\))).)*\n|^.+?Stream.+\n|^.+?AuthorizationManager.+\n)

Delete lines that don’t match RegEx:


Delete lines with matching RegEx:


String Formatting

Alphanumeric – Wikipedia

Replace double-quoted string with single-quoted string

"([\w ]*)"

Make String AlphaNumeric and Uppercase The First Letter


Removing extra white-space from the end of all lines

[\t ]+\n

Reformat all phone numbers to 123-456-7890

\({0,1} {0,1}([0-9]{3}) {0,1}[)/.-]{0,1} {0,1}([0-9]{3}) {0,1}[/.-]{0,1} {0,1}([0-9]{4})

With a URL replace slashes with ampersands and separate the the 1st and 2nd letters with a equal sign.


CSV Timetable Parse?

$4\t$1\t$3 Hour

Doxigen Fixes

Fix badly nested @fn.

^\t{0,2}\/\*{1,2} {0,2}@fn.?([a-zA-Z]+.*)
\t/**\n\t * @fn\t\t$1

Fix badly formatted elements.

^\t{0,1} {0,3}\*{1,2}@(.+)
\t * @$1

Fix badly closed comment blocks.

^(\t{0,2} {0,3}\*+?/)
\t */


[] represents an empty string or null value