1. Shutdown VirtualBox 2. Manage VM Cloning:
cd ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/WinXP-IE7 VBoxManage clonehd WinXP-IE7.vdi WinXP-IE8.vdi mkdir ../WinXP-IE7 mv WinXP-IE7.vdi ../WinXP-IE7/
3. Startup VirtualBox 4. Click New 5. Start off like creating a new VM 6. For the Virtual Hard Disk select "Use existing hard disk" to choose the cloned VDI.
a311ef2c-1420-4c21-aa57-8d25b825fa33 WinXP-IE8 (Soap Creative) c2905491-5bd4-41f4-829d-0905fa4cb052 WinXP-IE7 2f887ffd-88f8-4299-8d7d-854786e5d011 WinXP-IE8 (JWT INSIDE) daa3d8c8-09bd-4fa7-a344-ed163d4b3150 Win2K-IE5
In order to move vdi and image file to another location,
change the following (highlighted in bold) in VirtualBox.xml to reflect it (no changes in uuid is required)
<MachineEntry uuid="{5bababfa-ad62-471c-44b8-24bc07022f03}" src="Machines/winXP/winXP.xml"/>
<HardDisk uuid="{xxx}" type="normal">
<VirtualDiskImage filePath="/media/software/virtualBox/winXP/winXP.vdi"/>
<DiffHardDisk uuid="{xxx}">
<VirtualDiskImage filePath="/media/Software/VirtualBox/Machines/winXP/Snapshots/{xxx}.vdi"/>
How to register and load a downloaded image
java -jar registerimage-2.0.1.jar
About VirtualBox resolution
Add VB Tools?
[Host+F] to get out of Fullscreen, then
[Host+G] To resize at my desktop size.
[Host+F] Then Fullscreen again.